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A space for women entrepreneurs seeking to expand their influence while staying true to their values.

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Bright Voices in Business Podcast WITH CHLOE DECHOW

Where Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship Meets Authentic Authority Building

Focused on elevating women’s voices and redefining what it means to be a thought leader, Bright Voices in Business is a podcast that shows you how to authentically bring together leadership, equity, and marketing to build your authority, grow your impact, and scale your business. 

Join host Chloe Dechow for conversations with dynamic thought leaders and subject matter experts, and be guided on a journey to discover your fierce courage and take inspired action.





In this episode, I open up about feeling out of alignment and share some heartfelt insights on creating space to gain clarity. If you’ve been feeling unaligned, burned out, or simply overwhelmed, this episode is for you.

Creating Space to Gain Clarity


creating space, inner voice, personal experiences, strategies, carving out time, external advice, intuition, radical step, limiting content consumption, social media, screens, connection, movement, nature, basic needs, nourishing the body, sunlight, good sleep, cleaning, decluttering, mental space, well-being, self-care, introspection, balance, external noise, demands, prioritizing well-being


Featured Episode

You won’t want to miss this episode with goal achievement coach Kristin Burke. Kristin offers invaluable insights on strategic planning, knowing when to pivot, and learning from challenging experiences. You’ll walk away with practical advice to help you set and achieve your most meaningful goals, along with a strong mindset to overcome self-doubt and stay motivated.

Strategies for Setting and Achieving Your Most Meaningful Goals with Kristin Burke


Meaningful Goals, Thought leadership Business goals Financial services Coaching Leadership Professional development Setting goals Achieving goals Dream vs goal Clarity Vision Reflection Mindset Gratitude Consistency Strategic planning Intentional goal-setting Sunk cost fallacy Pivoting Business growth Authentic authority Thought leadership


Featured Episode

In this episode, Lisa Proeber joined me to tackle the often negative reputation of sales. We discussed the common mindset that sales is a “dirty word”, and reframed it as a way to help people make informed decisions.

Rethinking the Way We Approach Sales Conversations with Lisa Proeber


sales leader, business development strategist, sales mindset, thought leadership, Predictive Index tool, sales consulting, behavioral relationships, Sales Bootcamp, sales reputation, thought leadership impact, sales consulting firm, The Middle Six, 80/20 rule in sales, sales management, business development, Predictive Index assessment, thought leadership in sales, mastery in sales, Sales Bootcamp offer, selling competencies, sales and marketing strategies, technology in sales


Featured Episode

Struggling with imposter syndrome or the fear of being your authentic self on social media? You’re not alone. In this episode, I sat down with Ashton Henry, the founder of Small Studio and the Social Club, to take a deep dive into social media, discussing how vital it is for us as women entrepreneurs to show up and share our unique perspectives.

Showing Up on Social Media with Ashton Henry


social media, small studio, social club, branding expert, brand awareness, engage audience, social media manager, authentic content, target audience, video content, social media analytics, community engagement, audience interactions, social media presence, intentional content, consistent presence, customer acquisition, branding, engaging content, audience attention spans, thought leadership, marketing messaging, unique perspectives, negativity on social media, celebrating wins, thought leader, digital space


Featured Episode

During my conversation with Samara, we explored the nuances of finding and using our authentic voices. Samara shared her insights on the importance of vocal presence, especially for women in business, and how we can cultivate it to stand out and be heard.

Changing What Power Sounds Like with Samara Bay


vocal authority, societal standards, authentic voices, navigating feedback, vocal habits, gender stereotyping, vocal standards, embracing authenticity, vulnerability, emotional availability, self-awareness, self-compassion, playful mindset, mischievous mindset, emotional openness, physical warm-ups, impactful communication, thought leadership, embracing authentic voices, physical and vocal warm-ups, self-discovery, empowerment, How to Show Up, West Haven Coaching, thought leadership, authentic authority.


Featured Episode

In today’s episode, I dove into the world of finding your personal style with Heather Riggs, a Certified Image Consultant and Color Specialist. We explored how what we wear goes beyond just clothes, it’s a form of communication that can significantly affect our confidence and how others perceive us in business.

The Powerful Role of Personal Style in Building Authority with Heather Riggs


personal style, confidence, women in business, thought leadership, entrepreneurship, branding, wardrobe choices, color psychology, signature style, networking, sales, motherhood, figure flattery, visual presentation, personal branding, comfort, quality fabrics, authentic authority


Featured Episode

Has the business of being a business owner left you feeling like you want to burn it all down at times? In today’s episode, I had an enlightening conversation with business systems strategist Kate Rosenow, where we dove deep into the nitty gritty of making time for what truly matters so we can avoid burnout.

How to Make Time for What Matters with Kate Rosenow


thought leadership, scaling a business, business success, profit planning, prioritization, women entrepreneurs, outsourcing, sustainable business, authentic authority, business organization, systematizing processes, entrepreneurship, Chloe Dechow, Bright Voices in Business podcast, hiring, sustainable business practices, thought leadership, authenticity, business growth


Featured Episode

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kate Carter, who is a certified Fearless Living Coach and International Speaker & Educator. We dove deep into the world of mindset, unpacking the habit of self-sabotage that so many of us women entrepreneurs face.

The Courage to Be Uncomfortable with Kate Carter


empowering women, self-sabotage, mindset work, confidence building, public speaking, imposter syndrome, self-awareness, managing fear, micro risks, stretches, self-love, compassion, procrastination, fear of success, support, self-coaching, community, personal responsibility, self-compassion, authentic authority, thought leadership, personal and professional growth


Featured Episode

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5 Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority:

a True-to-You Approach to Thought Leadership.


5 Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority:

a True-to-You Approach to Thought Leadership.