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A space for women entrepreneurs seeking to expand their influence while staying true to their values.

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Bright Voices in Business Podcast WITH CHLOE DECHOW

Where Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship Meets Authentic Authority Building

Focused on elevating women’s voices and redefining what it means to be a thought leader, Bright Voices in Business is a podcast that shows you how to authentically bring together leadership, equity, and marketing to build your authority, grow your impact, and scale your business. 

Join host Chloe Dechow for conversations with dynamic thought leaders and subject matter experts, and be guided on a journey to discover your fierce courage and take inspired action.





Brand consistency is really the foundation of trust and credibility for your business. But it’s not always easy to know how to maintain consistency as your business evolves…
That’s why for today’s episode, I sat down with fractional CMO, Hayley Novak, to hear her expertise on how we as women entrepreneurs can navigate the hurdles that come with maintaining a consistent brand.

How to Keep Your Brand Consistent as Your Company Grows with Hayley Novak


brand consistency, entrepreneurs, business growth, maintaining brand, challenges, strategies, visual elements, messaging, tone, brand guidelines, online platforms, channels, brand evolution, rebrand, authenticity, mission, values, visual identity, brand photography, adaptability, business leadership, branding investments, brand voice, customer experience, branding expert


Featured Episode

In a world that often prioritizes titles and accolades, often the most impactful connections come from simply being human. In today’s episode, Dawn Mullarney and I explored the power of creating authentic connections and the strategic art of partnership.

How Authentic Networking Can Transform Your Business with Dawn Mullarney


Authentic relationships Strategic partnerships Networking Thought leadership Trust Relationship-building Business success Existing networks Nurturing relationships Public speaking Core values


Featured Episode

You’ve probably heard the term “personal brand” everywhere lately. It’s become a buzzword in business, and for good reason. Beyond the buzzword, your personal brand can actually become your business’s superpower. That’s why in this episode I chatted with the brilliant Jessie Christensen about the magic of personal branding and thought leadership.

Infusing Your Magic into Your Personal Brand with Jessie Christensen


personal branding, thought leadership, authenticity, brand strategist, creative director, podcast host, Chloe Dechow, Bright Voices in Business podcast, marketing, expertise, thought leader, misconceptions, influencer, false persona, inner growth, influence, reputation, consistency, time, strengths, secret sauce, women entrepreneurs, examples, business ventures, customer experience, brand loyalty, advocacy, referrals, customer service, brand shoots, engagement, community


Featured Episode

Struggling with imposter syndrome or the fear of being your authentic self on social media? You’re not alone. In this episode, I sat down with Ashton Henry, the founder of Small Studio and the Social Club, to take a deep dive into social media, discussing how vital it is for us as women entrepreneurs to show up and share our unique perspectives.

Showing Up on Social Media with Ashton Henry


social media, small studio, social club, branding expert, brand awareness, engage audience, social media manager, authentic content, target audience, video content, social media analytics, community engagement, audience interactions, social media presence, intentional content, consistent presence, customer acquisition, branding, engaging content, audience attention spans, thought leadership, marketing messaging, unique perspectives, negativity on social media, celebrating wins, thought leader, digital space


Featured Episode

Are you ready to amplify your brand’s voice and craft a message that resonates with your audience? In today’s episode, I had the honor of speaking with the incredible Rebecca Gunter about the power of authentic brand messaging for us women entrepreneurs.

Boldly Crafting Your Brand with Rebecca Gunter


brand messaging strategist, copywriter, thought leaders, founder, Stone Fruit, Chloe Dechow, Bright Voices in Business podcast, women's voices, thought leadership, positioning, unique point of view, audience needs, brand, messaging, strong opinions, passion in business, communication, humility, vulnerability, feedback, audience analysis, business value, personal value, sovereignty, artificial intelligence, AI, content creation, Instagram, authentic authority, thought leadership


Featured Episode

If you’ve previously thought of thought leadership as only for corporate giants, delivering speeches from prestigious stages, think again…

In this episode, we shattered the corporate jargon that often surrounds thought leadership and laid it out plain and simple: thought leadership is for anyone with a unique perspective.

Redefining What a Thought Leader Is (and Who Gets to Be One) with Mel Ripp


thought leadership, women entrepreneurs, unique point of view, corporate jargon, objections, resistance, fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, brand awareness, brand loyalty, authenticity, personal experiences, content pillars, humanity in business, marketing strategy, leadership journey


Featured Episode

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5 Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority:

a True-to-You Approach to Thought Leadership.


5 Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority:

a True-to-You Approach to Thought Leadership.